Module Rocks

Lege Artis 3D modules 200×60 cm

This set of the 14 natural looking modules by ARSTONE can be used for 200×60 cm cichlid tanks. There are 3D caves and rocky spaces for the fish as well…

Lege Artis set of modules for aquariums 130x60 and 120x60 cm
Lege Artis 3D modules 130×60 cm

ORDER 3D rock modules by ARSTONE from Lege Artis series are great to decorate any aquarium tanks, especially Malawi and Tanganyika. This set of the 7 amazing natural looking modules…

Beautiful cichids
Malawi underwater caves for cichlids

ORDER Aquarium cichlid tank 160x60x60 cm with White ARSTONE module rocks A, O, Xx2, X0, Qx2, E, M0, G. The overhanging rocks – M0, E, Q. The fish inside: Melanochromis…

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